Qeydkirina Zarokxanê VEKIRÎ ye!

Qeydkirina baxçeyê zarokan VEKE! - Hemî zarokên ku dê di 5-ê îlona 1-an de an berî wê bibin 2024 salî û li Lancaster City an bajarokê Lancaster-ê dijîn, mafdar in ku ji bo sala xwendinê ya 2024-2025-an li baxçeyê zarokan qeyd bikin. Ji bo cîhgirtina garantîkirî li dibistana taxa xwe nuha qeyd bikin!
Kiribe, NOW!

Li Zanîngehê berdewam dikin

Making it to college is just the first step, qedandin is what’s important. Use these resources to help you persist through college and earn that degree!

As part of School District of Lancaster’s Tornado To & Through program, we offer support for all students in the Class of 2020 and 2021 through December 2021. Just click the link below and complete the short request form to schedule a meeting for support. 

Request a College Success Meeting

Managing Finances in College

College is expensive, do you have a plan to cover your expenses?

Renewing the FAFSA

Completing the FAFSA doesn’t end in high school, it’s something you need to do every year. Be sure to renew your FAFSA early, it opens up October 1. You can renew your FAFSA vir.

Paying for College

Federal and state aid through FAFSA and PHEAA are the bedrock of affording college, but they aren’t everything. Check out rêberê vê çavkaniyê packed with valuable resources on college aid, loans, and scholarships.


It’s not easy to balance expenses in college. This helpful resource guide explains key steps you can take to maintain a balanced budget.

Staying on Track Academically

Keep that GPA up!

Connecting with Professors

Professors are incredible resources, but you have to seek them out yourself. Review vê çavkaniyê on connecting with professors to ensure academic success.

Management Time

Unlike high school, you will spend much less time in class at college. At the same time you have even more work to complete. This requires balancing your time to get everything done. Check out this resource on time management, it’s a key lifelong skill!

Utilizing Campus Resources

Ever wonder what those random fees are on your tuition bill? They pay for things like career services, counseling, academic support, and more. You’re paying for them, so take advantage of them! Read more on the different resources available and be sure to look up the offerings at your specific college.

Xwezî bijîn

Make sure to take care of yourself mentally

Tenduristiya Giyanî didin pêş

College is filled with stress and it can be hard to take time for yourself. Mental health tends to suffer for college students, so know you aren’t alone. Check out these resources:

Take Time To Refleksiyonê

It’s important to take time to reflect, journaling is one tool that can help. Check out these resources on journaling and get started today.

Fîzîkî Çalak bibin

You know all those fees you pay with your bill? That pays for things like access to a fitness center and intermural sports. Physical activity can help boost your mood and improve your mental sharpness. Students that exercise more often tend to get better grades too!

Dîtina Koleja Rast

Amadekariyê ji kolektîf

Paying for College

Veguhastin Zanîngehê