Diiwaangelinta Xanaanada waa FURAN!

Diiwaangelinta xanaanada waa FURAN! Dhammaan carruurta da'doodu tahay 5 sano ama ka hor Sebtembar 1, 2024 oo deggan Magaalada Lancaster ama Magaalada Lancaster waxay xaq u leeyihiin inay iska diiwaangeliyaan xannaanada sannad dugsiyeedka 2024-2025. Hadda iska diiwaangeli meelaynta dammaanadda ah ee dugsiga xaafaddaada!

David Foulk oo loo magacaabay Agaasimaha Ururka Alumni ee McCaskey

Lancaster, PA - Ururka Alumni ee McCaskey proudly announced the appointment of F. David Foulk as its new Director. A Lancaster native and a 1986 graduate of J.P. McCaskey High School, Foulk brings a wealth of experience in the non-profit sector and a deep-rooted commitment to the local community.

Foulk’s educational journey includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communication and Writing from Ithaca College, oo uu ku xigo M.Ed. Ingiriisi oo leh shahaado waxbarid dugsi sare ah Jaamacadda Millersville. Sooyaalkiisa xirfadeed ee kala duwan ayaa ka kooban doorar hoggaamineed oo kala duwan, gaar ahaan u adeegaya sidii Isuduwaha Waxbarashada Dadka Waaweyn ee Crispus Attucks Center Community iyo sida Agaasimaha Horumarinta iyo Isgaarsiinta ee YWCA ee Lancaster.

Moreover, Foulk has lent his expertise to cultural and historical preservation efforts in the region, having served as Director of Institutional Gifts at the Fulton Opera House and Director of Development at the Kalsoonida Ilaalinta Taariikhda ee Degmada Lancaster. Wax ku biirintiisa waxa ay dhaaftay qaybta aan macaash doonka ahayn, maadaama uu sidoo kale dhex galay hanti ma-guurto ah oo la degan yahay Berkshire Hathaway Homesale brokerage.

Notably, Foulk’s dedication to community service shines through his longstanding membership and board involvement with the Rotary Club ee Lancaster. Sooyaalkiisa wajiyo badan leh iyo ka go'naan la'aanta aan leexleexad lahayn ee ladnaanta Lancaster wuxuu u dhigayaa inuu yahay musharrax ku habboon inuu hoggaamiyo Ururka Alumni ee McCaskey.

“I am deeply honored to take on this role and reconnect with the McCaskey community,” Foulk remarked upon his appointment. “Dugsiga Sare ee McCaskey qalbigeyga meel gaar ah ayey ku haysaa, waxaana aad u xiiseeya inaan si wada jir ah ula shaqeeyo ardaydii aan isku fasalka ahayn si aan u kobciyo shabakad xooggan oo firfircoon."

In his new role, Foulk aims to foster stronger connections among McCaskey alumni, engage them in supporting the school’s initiatives, and uphold the legacy of excellence that defines the McCaskey community. The McCaskey Alumni Association expresses its enthusiasm in welcoming David Foulk and looks forward to his leadership in strengthening ties within the McCaskey family.

Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Ururka Qalinjabiyeyaasha McCaskey iyo dhacdooyinka soo socda, fadlan booqo https://mccaskeyalumni.org/.