
ការចុះឈ្មោះសាលាមត្តេយ្យគឺបើកហើយ! - កុមារទាំងអស់ដែលនឹងមានអាយុ 5 ឆ្នាំនៅ ឬមុនថ្ងៃទី 1 ខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ 2024 និងរស់នៅក្នុងទីក្រុង Lancaster ឬ Lancaster Township មានសិទ្ធិចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀននៅមតេយ្យសម្រាប់ឆ្នាំសិក្សា 2024-2025 ។ ចុះឈ្មោះឥឡូវនេះសម្រាប់ការធានាទីតាំងនៅក្នុងសាលារៀនសង្កាត់របស់អ្នក!


Alternative Education for Disruption Youth (AEDY)

Buehrle Academy, a Specialized Education Services, Inc. (SESI) managed school, is a full-day program that serves students in grades 6 through 12, who have experienced behavioral issues at their home school. Buehrle combines an academic program based on the School District of Lancaster’s curriculum with a restorative practices program to successfully transition students back to their (original, home, sending) school. Buehrle utilizes individualized behavior plans which focus on the reasons for each students’ referral to AEDY. Each student is reviewed every 45 days to monitor their progress and ability to return to their home school. Once behavioral goals are met, a transition meeting is held to coordinate a return to the appropriate school. Students who have been expelled by the School District, will have a transition meeting at the end of the expulsion period. Parent/Guardian and students are expected to attend orientation before starting the program.

Bullying/Cyber Bullying

Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or series of acts directed at another student or students, which occurs in a school setting and/or outside a school setting, that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following: substantially interfering with a student’s education, creating a threatening environment and substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

One essential prerequisite, which distinguishes bullying from conflict, is the perception (by the bully or by others) of an imbalance of physical or social power. Students who believe they or others have been bullied, are encouraged to promptly report such incidents to any School District employee or submit a Safe2Say, an anonymous tip.


To misrepresent academic performance as one’s own by taking answers or work from another individual.


Work provided in a building, on grounds, or other services provided by the student to the school or to the community at large (Parent/Guardian permission required).

Compulsory School Age

The period of a child’s life from the time the child’s parent/guardian elect to have the child enter school, and which shall be no later than six years of age until the child reaches eighteen years of age or holds a certificate of graduation from a regularly accredited, licensed, registered or approved high school.


Substances intended to affect the structure of any function of the human body which includes controlled substance prohibited by federal and state law, look-alike drugs, alcoholic beverages, including alcohol in any form, anabolic steroids, drug paraphernalia, any volatile solvents or inhalants, such as but not limited to glue and aerosol products, prescriptions or patent drugs, except those for which permission for use in school has been granted pursuant to Board policy. designer drugs, counterfeit substances, and drug paraphernalia. This does not include a legally prescribed drug.

Dangerous Weapon (IDEA)

Any item that is used for, or is readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily injury, but NOT a knife with a blade of less than 2 ½ inches. Note: This definition is both broader than the definition used in Pennsylvania law governing the discipline of nondisabled students, and in its exclusion of small knives, narrower than Federal law. Federal law governs to the extent that it affords more protection to the child.


Detention is designated time assigned to students by administration or teachers for various infractions. When the assignment is made, the reason for the detention must be explained to the student, cooperation from parent/guardian will be solicited, and parent/guardian will be informed of the consequences if detention is not served.


When an individual makes loud and rowdy noise in the vicinity of the school or at school functions, causing unreasonable disturbance or distress to others; or when an individual without authority or justification obstructs school premises; or any access to the school with the intent to prevent or hinder its lawful use by others.


The action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists and/or cannot be repaired.

Due Process Hearing

A Due Process Hearing is a procedure in which students are given due process rights. This process provides students with an opportunity to present their account of an incident prior to being suspended or given disciplinary consequences for an alleged misconduct.

  1. For suspensions up to three days, a student must be informed of the reason for the suspension, and given the opportunity to meet with the building administrator or designee to respond.
  2. When the suspension exceeds three school days an informal hearing is provided and includes the following requirements:
    • notification of the reasons for suspension are given in writing to the parent/guardian and to the student;
    • the student has the right to question witnesses present and produce witnesses;
    • the District should offer to hold the hearing within the first five days of suspension.
  1. In cases of expulsion, a formal hearing is required. The hearing is to be held before the Judiciary Committee of the School Board. The Due Process requirements for such hearings are detailed in Section 12.8 of State Board Regulations.


Expulsion is exclusion from school by the Board for a period exceeding ten (10) school days. The Board may permanently expel from the district rolls any student whose misconduct and disobedience warrants this sanction. No student shall be expelled without an opportunity for a formal hearing before the Judiciary Committee of the Board or a designated hearing officer, and upon action taken thereafter by the Board. See Policy 218.

A student under eighteen (18) years of age who is expelled is not excused from compliance with the compulsory attendance statute.

In most cases, the expelled student will immediately be assigned to the district’s qualified Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth Program (AEDY).If the district’s Alternative Program is not provided as an option, the initial responsibility for providing the required education rests with the student’s parent/ guardian. Parent/Guardian who are unable to provide an education for their student shall submit a written statement within thirty (30) days that they are unable to do so. The district shall then make provisions for the student’s education. If thirty (30) days pass without satisfactory evidence that the required education is being provided, the district shall contact the parent/guardian and make provisions for the student’s education.


Futures Academy is designed for students who have not been successful in their traditional 4th or 5th grade classroom. The program uses the School District of Lancaster curriculum with a restorative practices program to successfully transition students back to their sending school. Futures Academy has a smaller class size than traditional elementary schools which allows for individual attention and maintaining academic rigor. Typically, students are assigned for 45 days or a marking period. Once behavioral goals are met, a transition meeting is held to coordinate a return to the appropriate school.

Habitual Truancy

A child subject to compulsory school laws having six or more school days of unexcused absence during the current school year.


Hazing occurs when a person intentionally, knowingly or recklessly, for the purpose of initiating, admitting or affiliating a student with an organization, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing membership or status in an organization, causes, coerces or forces a student to do any of the following:

  1. Violate federal or state criminal
  2. Consume any food, liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug or other substance which subjects the student to a risk of emotional or physical
  3. Endure brutality of a physical nature, including whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics or exposure to the elements.
  4. Endure brutality of a mental nature, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme embar
  5. Endure brutality of a sexual
  6. Endure any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the student.

Any activity, as described above, shall be deemed a violation of this policy regardless of whether the consent of the student was sought or obtained, or the conduct was sanctioned or approved by the school or organization. Students who believe they, or others, have been subject to hazing should promptly report the incident to any District employee.


In-school suspension is a consequence schools use based on school violations whereby students are supervised for a period of time in a structured setting. Students work on classroom assignments as specified by classroom teachers or as defined by their IEP (Individual Educational Program). Students must be informed of the reasons for the suspension and given an opportunityto respond. ISS cannot exceed 10 consecutive days and has to be documented. Document in attendance and in the referral disposition. Parents are to be notified of the reasons for suspension and the length of assigned time.

Gang Activity

Any group who intimidates, harasses, causes disruption, damages, or destroys property, engages in criminal or other illegal activity, and displays colors or dresses with symbols and patrols a specific “turf” area.

Judiciary Hearing Referral (Direct)

Judicial referrals (direct) is a mode of action for referring extremely serious offenses to the Judiciary Committee. These violations may include but are not limited to: weapon violations, use of explosives, distribution or other serious substance abuse offenses, tampering with fire extinguishers on school premises, bomb threats, extortion of money or other property, intimidating or assaulting another, spraying mace, or other chemicals on school property or at a school sponsored activities.

Lawful Absence

Lawful absences are when a student is prevented from attendance in school for mental, physical, or other urgent reasons. Illness, family emergency, death of a family member, medical or dental appointments, authorized school activities, educational travel with prior approval, and attendance at legal or court proceedings are considered lawful absences.

Look-alike Drug

A look-alike drug shall include any pill, capsule, tablet, powder, plant matter and other item or substance that is designed or intended to resemble a controlled substance, or is used in a manner likely to induce others to believe the material is a controlled substance.

Look-a-like Weapon

The term “look-a-like” refers to any item that resembles a real weapon that may be used to injure, intimidate, or threaten another person. All offenses involving look-a-like devices, in school or during any school function will result in disciplinary action and may result in a referral to the Judiciary Hearing Committee and possible recommendation of expulsion.


A mandated process to review whether or not a student’s behavior was a result of a student’s disability and/or the District’s failure to implement the IEP or 504 as written.

Multi-Tiered System of Support

A tiered approach to provide instruction and interventions for students struggling behaviorally or academically. Tier I addresses all students through core instruction and school-wide practices. Tier II interventions may include small group instruction with specific focus on identified skill deficits. Tier III interventions are individualized to meet the needs of each student and are the most time intensive interventions.

Out-of-School Suspension

Out-of-school suspension (OSS) is a process by which students are excluded from the learning environment for a specific period of time.

Suspensions are legal excused absences, which permit students to make up missed school work.

Suspensions should not exceed 10 consecutive days without School Board approval. Document in attendance and in the referral disposition. Students and parents/guardians are to be notified of the reason for the suspension and documented.

ឪពុកម្តាយ (s បាន)

The term parent in this publication refers to parents/ guardians who have legal and educational responsibilities for the guidance and supervision of children/ students attending the School District of Lancaster.


Plagiarism includes copying the language, structure, idea, and/or thought of another and representing it as one’s own original work.

School Grounds

Any property owned or utilized by the School District of Lancaster or by any contractor of the School District.

មន្ត្រីធនធានសាលា (SRO)

មន្ត្រីប៉ូលីសដែលជួលដោយភ្នាក់ងារអនុវត្តច្បាប់ ដែលធ្វើការនៅក្នុងសាលា ដើម្បីគាំទ្រដល់សិស្ស មហាវិទ្យាល័យ និងរដ្ឋបាល។ ការគាំទ្រដែលផ្តល់ដោយ SRO រួមមានការកាត់បន្ថយសកម្មភាពឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មដោយការណែនាំអំពីការផ្លាស់ប្តូររាងកាយដល់សាលារៀន។ SRO ក៏ផ្តល់ការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលដល់សិស្សានុសិស្សក្នុងការដោះស្រាយជម្លោះ និងយុត្តិធម៌ស្តារឡើងវិញ ពង្រីកគំនិតផ្តួចផ្តើមយុត្តិធម៌សហគមន៍សម្រាប់សិស្ស និងដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្ម ក្រុមក្មេងទំនើង និងអំពើហិង្សា។

Serious Bodily Injury

Injury that creates a substantial risk of death or which causes serious, permanent disfigurement, or loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.


Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This behavior is from one student to another, from one staff person to another, from a staff member to a student, and/or a student to a staff member or any person on school property.


The Student Assistance Program (SAP) or Elementary SAP (ESAP) is a systematic team process used to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. SAP/ ESAP is designed to assist in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success. The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program is to help students overcome these barriers so that they may achieve, advance, and remain in school. SAP/ESAP team members (a minimum of four team members per building from any or all of the following groups: administration, teacher, counselor, psychologist, social worker, or nurse) are trained to identify problems, determine whether or not the presenting problem lies within the responsibility of the school and to make recommendations to assist the student and the parent.

When the problem lies beyond the scope of the school, the SAP/ESAP team will assist the parent and student so they may access services within the community. The student assistance team members do not diagnose, treat or refer to treatment, but they may refer for a screening or an assessment for treatment.


Theft (also known as stealing) is, in general, the wrongful taking of someone else’s property without that person’s willful consent with the intent to deprive them of the property. In law, it is usually the broadest term for a crime against property. It is a general term that encompasses offences such as burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, and shoplifting.


Conveying by physical gestures, written notes on paper or by electronic devices, or verbal comments with the intent to cause bodily injury.


Entering into or remaining upon property without permission.


A child subject to compulsory school laws having three or more school days of unexcused absence during the current school year.


Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment, data, websites and/or other networks. This includes but is not limited to physical damage.


After a determination that a student has committed an expellable offense, and with full knowledge of their rights, the student and the student’s parents may waive their right to a formal Judiciary hearing, and accept the consequences described on the District’s waiver form. The student and the student’s parents further waive their right to contest the consequences and this agreement by appeal or legal proceeding in any court.


A “weapon” or “dangerous instrument/material,” consists of any object, instrument, or material which is commonly considered to be a weapon or dangerous instrument/material, and any object, instrument or material which is in fact used to effect threats, intimidation, harassment, extortion, or injury to a person or property. The definition of a weapon or dangerous instrument/material includes, but is not limited to, any knife, dagger, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, blackjack, explosive or incendiary device such as lighters and matches, noxious substance such as mace and pepper spray, firearm, shotgun, rifle, or any other tool, instrument, or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury or used under circumstances not manifestly appropriate to lawful possession and use.