
ការចុះឈ្មោះសាលាមត្តេយ្យគឺបើកហើយ! - កុមារទាំងអស់ដែលនឹងមានអាយុ 5 ឆ្នាំនៅ ឬមុនថ្ងៃទី 1 ខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ 2024 និងរស់នៅក្នុងទីក្រុង Lancaster ឬ Lancaster Township មានសិទ្ធិចុះឈ្មោះចូលរៀននៅមតេយ្យសម្រាប់ឆ្នាំសិក្សា 2024-2025 ។ ចុះឈ្មោះឥឡូវនេះសម្រាប់ការធានាទីតាំងនៅក្នុងសាលារៀនសង្កាត់របស់អ្នក!
សៀវភៅណែនាំ៖ ផ្នែកទី 4

ស្តង់ដារ & ការរំពឹងទុកនៃអាកប្បកិរិយា

All standards are expected to be followed. Any behavior that disrupts the learning environment and puts the student or others at risk is unacceptable. All efforts will be made to ensure a positive learning environment that is Responsible, Respectful, and Safe. Any violation of the standards will be subject to the General Interventions/Discipline Sequence outlined in Section 5.

Standard I. Model Responsibility and Integrity


Cheating, plagiarism, or falsifying documents (forgery or counterfeiting by verbal, written, or electronic transmission; this act also includes school forms, hall passes, notes from parent/ guardian, etc.) is prohibited.


Betting money or other things of value, whether it is online, with cards or dice, betting on sporting events, or through other methods or forms, is prohibited.


Stealing, theft, extortion (attempting to obtain something of value by threat or force) is an unlawful offense and can be prosecuted under state law.

Use of Electronic Devices

(Based on Policies #237 and #815)

The use of the District’s technology resources, including the District assigned iPads for all students is for appropriate school-related educational and operational purposes consistent with the educational mission of the District. Use for educational purposes is defined as use that is consistent with the curriculum adopted by the District as well as the varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities and developmental levels of students. All use must comply with District policy and all other applicable codes of conduct, procedures, and rules. All students are responsible for the appropriate, legitimate and lawful use of the District’s technology resources. Any use of the District’s computing resources for illegal, inappropriate, or obscene purposes, or in support of such activities, is prohibited.

Students are expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with District policy, accepted rules of network etiquette, and federal and state laws.

Unauthorized Use of Technology and/or Communication Devices

Students are prohibited from the unauthorized use of electronic devices during the school day in District buildings; on District property; on District buses and vehicles; during the time students are under the supervision of the District; while students are attending school-sponsored activities, and in locker rooms, bathrooms, health suites, and other changing areas at any time.

Electronic devices shall include all devices that can take photographs; record, play, or edit audio, or video data; store, transmit or receive calls, messages, text, data, or images; operate online applications; or provide a wireless, unfiltered connection to the Internet.

Students are prohibited from taking, storing, disseminating, transferring, viewing, sharing, or recording of physical aggression, altercation, fighting, obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal images or photographs, whether by electronic data transfer or other means, including but not limited to, texting and emailing.

Destruction and/or vandalism of District issued electronic devices may result in cancellation of access privileges or other consequences.

The District shall NOT be liable for the loss, damage or misuse of any personal electronic device brought to school by a student.

General rules for behavior and communications apply when using the Internet. Loss of access and other disciplinary actions (including possible suspension or expulsion of students) shall be consequences for inappropriate use and violations of the components of the District’s Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources Policy.

Students may use electronic devices in authorized areas with prior permission of the supervising teacher or staff member, or as determined by the building principal as follows:

  1. For educational or instructional purposes, as determined and supervised by the classroom
  2. Before and after school, in the cafeteria at lunchtime, in the hallways during the passing of classes, on the bus or other vehicles, and in the library and study hall if authorized by the classroom teacher.
  3. When the educational, safety, emergency, medical or security use of the electronic device is approved by the building principal or designee, or the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 team. In such cases, the student’s use must be supervised by a classroom teacher or district staff.
  4. Other reasons determined appropriate by the building principal.

All use of electronic devices by students must follow the Code of Student Conduct and Board policy. Violations may result in disciplinary action and the confiscation of the electronic device.

Standard 2. Respect Self, Others, and Property

Transportation Rules and Regulations

Students will act in a respectful manner to the driver and to fellow students while waiting for and riding on school buses, vans, or other modes of transportation supplied by the District. The District shall have the right to exercise the same authority as to conduct and behavior over the pupils attending all schools, during the time they are in attendance, including the time required in going to and from their homes. The following behaviors and/or violations may result in the suspension/loss of a student using District transportation:

  1. ការស្បថ
  2. Fighting, pushing, tripping or wrestling
  3. Shouting or loud singing
  4. Playing of music without headsets
  5. Disobeying directions of the bus driver
  6. Littering or throwing objects
  7. Use or possession of matches, lighters, or tobacco
  8. Possessing weapons
  9. Having pets
  10. Not having all parts of the body inside the bus at all times
  11. Actions which cause a disturbance or distraction to the bus driver or other students or could impair the safe operation of the bus
  12. Eating or drinking on the bus or van (unless permitted by staff)
  13. Defacing or destruction of bus property
  14. Tampering with the bus or its equipment

Video and Audio Recording on Buses

(ផ្អែកលើ on ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាល គោលនយោបាយ # 810.2)

Video and audio recording equipment may be used on school buses transporting students to and from school, field trips, extracurricular activities, and athletic trips at the discretion of the School District. Review or use of the audiotape/videotape from a school bus or a school vehicle shall be consistent with the School District’s student disciplinary procedures and shall comply with all privacy rights of student education records. Any issues related to Transportation, please contact 717-945-1440

Video Recording in the District

(ផ្អែកលើ on ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាល គោលនយោបាយ # 709.1)

Video recording equipment may be used to maintain a video record of what occurred in an area being monitored to assist the district in providing safe and secure schools and other work sites for the protection of individuals and their property. The use of video recording devices will be strictly monitored and controlled to ensure the protection of individual rights and compliance with federal and state laws. Students observed through video recordings in acts that violate district policy, procedures, or disciplinary guidelines may subject to discipline in accordance with District Policy #218 (Student Discipline).

Physical Aggression/Altercation/Fighting/ Play Fighting

A student shall not engage in any form of play fighting, physical aggression, or threatening behaviors towards any adult person or a fellow student. Physical aggression includes physical confrontation that may result in: no injury, minor injury, or serious injury that includes, but may not be limited to kicking, shoving, pushing, hitting, biting, and fighting. Intentionally hitting, shoving, scratching, biting, kicking, blocking the passage of another, or throwing objects at another person is considered physical aggression and is prohibited. Depending on the situation, School Resource Officers and/or local police may be involved, resulting in a citation. At police discretion, a more serious charge may be issued.


Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act or series of acts directed at another student or students, which occurs in a school setting, and/or outside a school setting, that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following: substantially interfering with a student’s education, creating a threatening environment and substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

One essential prerequisite, which distinguishes bullying from conflict, is the perception (by the bully or by others) of an imbalance of physical or social power.

Students who believe they or others have been bullied, are encouraged to promptly report such incidents to any School District employee or submit a Safe2Say, an anonymous tip.


Any group behavior whose purpose it is to intimidate, harass, disrupt, create chaos, damage or destroy property, engage in criminal or other illegal activity is prohibited. No symbols, mode or color of dress, or turf recognitions will be allowed. Any gang activity or intimidation activities on school grounds or at any school affiliated activity is prohibited. Local law authorities will be contacted.

Inappropriate/Profane Language

Any inappropriate, sexual, harassing, or profane language will not be tolerated on school property or at any school affiliated activities. The use of such language, either verbal or written is prohibited.


(ផ្អែកលើគោលការណ៍ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាលលេខ ២១៨)

ការបំផ្លិចបំផ្លាញកើតឡើងនៅពេលដែលបុគ្គលណាមួយដោយចេតនា ដឹង ឬដោយមិនប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ន ក្នុងគោលបំណងផ្តួចផ្តើម ទទួលស្គាល់ ឬភ្ជាប់សិស្សជាមួយអង្គការ ឬសម្រាប់គោលបំណងបន្ត ឬបង្កើនសមាជិកភាព ឬឋានៈនៅក្នុងអង្គការ មូលហេតុ បង្ខិតបង្ខំ ឬបង្ខំសិស្សឱ្យធ្វើ។ ណាមួយខាងក្រោម៖

  1. បំពានលើឧក្រិដ្ឋជនសហព័ន្ធ ឬរដ្ឋ
  2. Consume any food, liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug or other substance which subjects the student to a risk of emotional or physical harm.
  3. ស៊ូទ្រាំនឹងភាពឃោរឃៅនៃធម្មជាតិរាងកាយ រួមទាំងការវាយដំ ការវាយដំ ការដាក់ស្លាកសញ្ញា ការហាត់ប្រាណ ឬការប៉ះពាល់នឹងធាតុ។
  4. Endure brutality of a mental nature, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment.
  5. Endure brutality of a sexual nature.
  6. ស៊ូទ្រាំនឹងសកម្មភាពផ្សេងទៀតដែលបង្កើតលទ្ធភាពសមហេតុផលនៃការរងរបួសរាងកាយដល់សិស្ស។

Any activity, as described above, will be deemed a violation of this policy regardless of whether the consent of the student was sought or obtained, or the conduct was sanctioned or approved by the school or organization. Students who believe they, or others, have been subject to hazing should promptly report the incident to any District employee.

Nondiscrimination Against Students

(ផ្អែកលើ on គោលនយោបាយ # 103)

The District shall provide an equal opportunity for all students to achieve their maximum potential through the programs offered in the schools without discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, age, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status, pregnancy, or handicap/disability.

The District strives to maintain a safe, positive learning environment for all students that is free from discrimination. Discrimination is inconsistent with the educational and programmatic goals of the District and is prohibited on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities and on any conveyance providing transportation to or from a school entity or school-sponsored activity.

The District prohibits retaliation against any person for making a report of discrimination or participating in a related investigation or hearing, or opposing practices the person reasonably believes to be discriminatory.

Harassment is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive conduct that a reasonable person in the complainant’s position would find that it unreasonably interferes with the complainant’s performance in school or school-related programs, or otherwise creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school or school-related environment such that it unreasonably interferes with the complainant’s access to or participation in school or school-related programs.

Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct through graphic, written, electronic, verbal or nonverbal acts including offensive jokes, slurs, epithets and namecalling, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, offensive objects or pictures, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, or other conduct that may be harmful or humiliating or interfere with a person’s school or school-related performance.

Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; and other inappropriate verbal, nonverbal, written, graphic or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  1. Submission to conduct is made explicitly term or condition or a student’s status in any educational or other programs offered by the school; or
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for educational or other program decisions affecting student; or
  3. Such conduct deprives a student or group of individuals or educational aid, benefits, services or treatment.

Anyone who believes that a student or students have been subject to discrimination in regard to District’s programs is encouraged to promptly report such incidents to designated employees, even if some elements of the related incident took place or originated away from school grounds, school activities or school conveyances.

A student who believes they have been subject to conduct by any student, employee, or third party is encouraged to immediately report the incident to the building principal. If the building principal is the subject of a complaint, the student should report the incident directly to the Executive Executive Director of Student Services.

The District will conduct an adequate, reliable and impartial investigation. If the investigation results in a finding that some or all of the allegations of the complaint are established, the District will take prompt, corrective action designed to cease such conduct and prevent retaliation. Any disciplinary actions will be consistent with the Code of Student Conduct, Board policies and administrative regulations, District procedures, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and state and federal laws.

Institutional Vandalism

Institutional vandalism occurs when the offender knowingly destruction, vandalizes, defaces or otherwise damages property of school or educational entity.

Under no circumstances will these acts be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly.

Standard 3. Create a Positive, Safe, and Drug Free Learning Environment

សារធាតុដែលបានគ្រប់គ្រង / ប៉ារ៉ាពួនៀលី

(ផ្អែកលើ on ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាល គោលនយោបាយ # 227)

Students are not permitted to possess, use, sell or buy alcohol, controlled substances including illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, in any form, look-alike drugs, drugs, anabolic steroids, volatile solvents or inhalants, prescription or patent drugs, substances that when ingested cause a physiological effect similar to the effect of a controlled substance except those for which permission has been granted for use, on school property, on a school bus, and when attending school-sponsored functions. If a student is suspected of being under the influence, the student shall be taken to the health room for a substance abuse assessment.

Possession and/or under the influence – First Offense

In an instance where a student was determined to have possessed, used or been under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance for the first time, while in school or at any school-sponsored function, the following procedures will apply:

  • The staff member who discovers the alcohol/controlled substance will confiscate all alcohol/drugs and associated paraphernalia in plain sight. The student(s) involved will be referred to the Principal and/or other authorities for further investigation.
  • Consequences will consist of a one-day out-of-school suspension, a mandatory parent/guardian conference and a five-day in-school suspension. At the discretion of the Principal/designee, such students may be assigned to group counseling sessions in lieu of all or part of the in-school suspension. At the elementary school level, a referral to a District or community counseling program will be required in lieu of the in-school suspension.
  • Parent/Guardian will be notified and completely informed of the circumstances.
  • A School Resource Officer will be notified and the student will be identified. Appropriate community agency personnel could also be notified
  • Help will be provided through referral to the Student Services Assistance Team. Parent/Guardian involvement will be requested.
  • Appropriate staff members will be expected to monitor these cases on a regular and continual basis.

Possession and/or under the influence – Second Offense

The consequences of a second offense of a student will consist of a one-day suspension, a parent/guardian conference, a five-day in-school suspension and an Administrative Review Hearing.

Purchasing Controlled Substances

In an instance where a student has purchased any controlled substances on school property or at any school-sponsored function, the following procedures will apply:

  1. Investigation will be conducted by the principal or an authorized delegate.
  2. All controlled substances in plain sight will be confiscated. Personal and/or locker searches may be conducted as per district policy.
  3. Parent/Guardian will be notified as soon as adequate supportive information is collected.
  4. Consequences will consist of a parent/ guardian conference, a suspension out-of-school of up to five (5) days and an Administrative Review Hearing.
  5. Assistance be provided through a referral to the Student Assistant Program and Advanced Tiers Team.

The term “weapon” and “dangerous instrument/ material” includes any look-a-like device or material that may be used to injure, intimidate, or threaten another person. All offenses involving the possession or use of a weapon or dangerous instrument/material, including those involving look-a-like devices, in school or during any school function may result in referral to the Judiciary Hearing Committee and possible recommendation of expulsion.


A look-alike drug shall include any pill, capsule, tablet, powder, plant matter and other item or substance that is designed or intended to resemble a controlled substance, or is used in a manner likely to induce others to believe the material is a controlled substance.

Look-alike Weapon

The term “look-alike” refers to any item that resembles a real weapon that may be used to injure, intimidate, or threaten another person. All offenses involving look-a-like devices, in school or during any school function could result in disciplinary action and may result in a referral to the Administrative Review Committee and possible recommendation to an alternative placement.

Selling/Distributing Controlled Substances

When it is determined a student has sold or distributed a controlled substance while in school or at any school-sponsored function, the following procedures will apply:

  • All controlled substances in plain sight will be confiscated.
  • Parent/Guardian will be notified.
  • A School Resource Officer will be notified in such instances and the student will be identified.
  • Consequences will consist of a parent/ guardian conference, a suspension out-of-school of up to ten (10) days and a formal hearing before the School Board Judiciary Committee, with a recommendation for expulsion from school.
  • Help will be provided through a referral to the Student Services Assistance Team or referral to an appropriate drug and alcohol program.

Weapons/Dangerous Objects/Firearms/ Explosives

(ផ្អែកលើ on ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាល គោលនយោបាយ # 218.1)

An offense of carrying or possessing a weapon in school or at any school-sponsored event may result in a referral to the Judiciary Hearing Committee with recommendation for expulsion. A weapon is defined as follows:

  • A “weapon” or “dangerous instrument/ material,” consists of any object, instrument, or material which is commonly considered to be a weapon or dangerous instrument/material, and any object, instrument or material which is in fact used to effect threats, intimidation, harassment, extortion, or injury to a person or property. The definition of a weapon or dangerous instrument/ material includes, but is not limited to, any knife, dagger, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, blackjack, explosive or incendiary device such as lighters and matches, noxious substance such as mace and pepper spray, firearm, shotgun, rifle, or any other tool, instrument, or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury or used under circumstances not manifestly appropriate to lawful possession and use.
  • The term “firearm” includes any weapon, loaded or unloaded, from which a shot can be discharged by gunpowder, compressed air, or by other means of force, and includes unassembled components of such device.
  • The term “weapon” and “dangerous instrument/material” includes any look-a-like device or material that may be used to injure, intimidate, or threaten another person. All offenses involving the possession or use of a weapon or dangerous instrument/ material, including those involving look-a-like devices, in school or during any school function may result in referral to the Judiciary Hearing Committee and possible recommendation of expulsion.

ផលិតផលថ្នាំជក់ និងថ្នាំជក់

(ផ្អែកលើ on ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាភិបាល គោលនយោបាយ # 222)

The Board prohibits possession, use, purchase or sale of tobacco and vaping products, including the product marketed as Juul and other e-cigarettes, regardless of whether such products contain tobacco or nicotine, by or to students at any time in a school building; on school buses or other vehicles that are owned, leased or controlled by the School District; on property owned, leased or controlled by the School District; or at schools-ponsored activities that are held off school property.

The term tobacco product encompasses not only tobacco, but also vaping products including Juuls and other electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes).

Tobacco products shall be defined to include the following:

  1. Any product containing, made or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to, a cigarette, cigar, little cigar, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff and snus.
  2. Any electronic device that delivers nicotine or another substance to a person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, electronic nicotine delivery systems, an electronic cigarette, a cigar, a pipe and a hookah.
  3. Any product containing, made or derived from either:
    • Tobacco, whether in its natural or synthetic form; or
    • Nicotine, whether in its natural or synthetic form, which is regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration as a deemed tobacco product.
    • Any component, part or accessory of the product or electronic device listed in this definition, whether or not sold separately.

A student who violates this policy may be subject to building level discipline and, if necessary, SRO/law enforcement involvement.

Threat Assessment Procedures

(ផ្អែកលើ on គោលនយោបាយ # 236.1)

The District has established a threat assessment team and procedures for assessing and intervening with students whose behavior may indicate a threat to the safety of the student, other students, school employees, school facilities, the community and others. Students should immediately report the student to a staff member who will immediately report the student to the building principal, who is a member of the building threat assessment team. The building threat assessment team will follow threat assessment procedures in accordance with Policy #236.1.

Safe2Say Something Program

Students are expected to follow District procedures on reporting school related safety and security concerns under the Safe2Say Something Program. The Safe2Say Something Program contains a framework within which District administration and staff will respond to program reports, coordinate with the county emergency dispatch center(s) and local law enforcement, and provide appropriate assessment and response for the safety and security of students, staff and school facilities. Submit an anonymous tip by calling 1-844-SAF2SAY (723-2729), online at the link below or in the Safe2Say Something App.
