Kindergarten Registration is OPEN!

Kindergarten registration is OPEN! - All children who will be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2024 and reside in Lancaster City or Lancaster Township are eligible to enroll in kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Register now for guaranteed placement in your neighborhood school!
Together we can
Cyber Pathways Academy

Elementary Pathways - Our new program for K-5

Our Elementary Pathways are for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Elementary Pathways provide a structured online environment for these younger students, not that different than a traditional school day. It’s still personalized, though, and gives students plenty of time to work at their own pace and offline, as they wish.

The parent's role as Learning Coach

As a parent, understanding the importance of your role as a learning coach is key to the success of your student. Commit to helping your student go beyond what is online and bring learning concepts to life. In Elementary Pathways, we refer to parents or guardians as the Learning Coach. In this role you will:

  • Guide the student through the lessons as needed
  • Discuss concepts being taught
  • Assist with interactive tools and games
  • Help facilitate hands-on learning that may be in the course
  • Check for understanding on assignments.
  • Keep the student on schedule, on pace and on task (including things like independent reading and practice activities.)
  • Communicate with the teacher as needed

A quick look at a typical Elementary Pathways day

K-5 Pathways’ rich digital curriculum and tools will give you an individualized learning path and unique experiences for success. It’s also closely aligned with the curriculum in our traditional schools, so students are able to transfer in and out of the program with less worry about falling behind.

A family’s Academic Advisor will work closely with student and Learning Coach to develop a daily schedule.  Below are samples by grade of what a typical day could look like, with suggested times that student and Learning Coach should spend engaged in content areas.

Sample Schedule Grades K-3

SubjectSuggested Time
Morning Meeting (discuss calendar, weather, lessons for the day)15-20 minutes
Language Arts60-75 minutes
Snack/Brain Break (play a game, exercise, move around!)20 minutes
Mathematics45-60 minutes
Lunch/Free Play40 minutes
Science30-45 minutes
Brain Break10 minutes
Social Studies30-45 minutes
Brain Break10 minutes
Electives (Art, Music, etc.)30 minutes
Afternoon Meeting (discuss learning, activities and supports)15-20 minutes